Only thirty-seven more hours until I am in Mongolia!/ Би Монгол оронд би л гучин долоон цаг хүртэл!

I should sleep but I can not. Last minute packing, positive anxiousness and a desire to go now. Four more hours(4 AM Sunday) until I head to Charlotte for the first flight. Short hop to New York City and a long layover. I doubt I will be able to sleep. I am not complaining. I am just being honest. Second leg is an 8 hour flight to Helsinki. I hope that sleep will be welcomed by my body on that segment. A hopefully short layover in Finland will end with a a flight to Moscow, where another lengthy layover awaits. According too my wife, there will be no Southern hospitality to welcome me to Sheremetyevo Airport. Once that bit is done, it is just a six hour flight to my destination of Ulaanbaatar(Red Hero), Mongolia. Why Mongolia? Well my family is there. I met and married a Mongolian lady while living in Berkeley, California...Go Bears! Here we are 13 years later and 15 since she came to the United States and finally we are able to go there and...