Black Magic, the backstory

A Clemson friend of mine responded to my post yesterday about how the 1977 last minute loss to the Tigers cemented my affection for and loyalty to Carolina. He said, "Only a Gamecock would cite a loss as the moment that glued you to your team." He is right. For the young whippersnappers like my nephews who think the Red Sox have always been winners having now won three World Series titles in a decade. It was not always so. The Gamecocks are riding a 17-game home winning streak. It is the longest active streak in college football. With two or three games left to play, the tiny 5 man Senior class already has 40 wins and no Gamecock class has ever done that before. And yes they have beaten Clemson every year since Obama has been our President. My first thought was to quote the Jefferson's theme song here as it has taken a lot of hard work for the Gamecocks to get to this point. My Dad once had a variety of jobs and one was as a salesman and on-air talent fo...