
Showing posts from May, 2014

Are you useful? Are you willing to be used?

   As a parent I find myself rhetorically asking my son how many times he needs to be told to do something. The answer should be once but that is not the reality. I am working on stopping that question because every time it comes out I am reminded by the Holy Spirit that I am guilty of needing repeated warnings, reminders and training in my life.   I watched and listened to a sermon by David Platt given at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary recently. Three Questions from Luke    I had to listen to it three times and I know I will go back to it again. Platt is a fine preacher of the Word but I think his greatest strength is his passion for the Lord. It is palpable. It draws you in and makes you examine God's word and how it applies to you. That is a powerful gift and he uses it well. His message or better yet God's message clearly stated in Luke is a call to serve Him unconditionally and to love your neighbor as yourself . I am guilty of making le...

My Grandfather's Eulogy

Written and delivered by his pastor at New Market United Methodist Church in Hartsville, South Carolina. It is truly a rare honor when one has the privilege of celebrating the successful completion of a lifelong venture. Today is such an honor. The Reverend George Cook, or as we love to call him "Brother Cook" was truly one of the most successful people I have been privileged to know. His success was not financial, it was not in terms of human recognition or fame, he did not build great institutions, or any of the other things by which most of today's society judges a man to be successful. Brother Cook succeeded at the most difficult task any of us face. He succeeded at life. He was true to his faith, true to his calling and true to his commitment. He was, in my opinion a true Christian, as God calls us all to be. I really believe he lived in the manner Christians are called to live, as the name "Christian" suggests, "Christ like". From tim...